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Educational Programmes of Alytus Theatre

For Kids, Alytus

The pace of change in the 21st century increases uncontrollably, the world becomes interconnected, causing abundance of everything. Not only technologies and science experience change and sophistication, but social values, standards of morals as well. Today it is a challenge to make any decision, trust it, which is extremely important, as decision making determines the future of a person. Therefore, one must positively react to any change, external or internal, as well as to complexity arising outside and inside. The goal of educational programmes and projects is to assist young persons in perceiving complex social events and in participating there. Therefore, we are seeking to encourage self-manifestation of young people, so that they could demonstrate their unique talent, we want to provide them with an opportunity to improve himself/herself.
Education-related activity means more than just information or teaching. This is an activity, covering polemics, contemporary world and possibility to each person to participate in the social, cultural and political processes.”




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In Alytus city

