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Jewish Memorial

Burial places, Alytus

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Going down Vidzgirio Street towards Pulko Street on the left Jewish genocide cemetery may be found. During World War II, when Alytus was occupied by Germans, Jewish people were shot in the Vidzgiris forest and buried in common graves. This forest became the place of eternal rest for many Jewish people from the Alytus region. On March 18, 1993, a reconstructed memorial, designed for Jewish victims, was unveiled in Vidzgirio forest. The memorial ensemble is composed of the symbolic "Star of David", 9 pyramids, indicating the burial grounds, an obelisk and a stela. In the highest hill of the memorial stands a monument of pain a broken 'Star of David', symbolizing broken destinies and the lives of humans. The author of the project is architect Rasa Vasiliauskienė, and the author of the Broken Star of David is sculptor Aloyzas Smilingis.

Authors of photographs: G. Bernatavičius, G. Žvirblis, Alytaus Tourism Information Centre.



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  • vi

    Antrojo pasaulinio karo metu Alytų okupavus vokiečiams, Vidzgirio miške, buvo šaudomi ir laidojami bendruose kapuose žydų tautybės žmonės. į juos šaudė lietuvių tautybės žmonės at vokiečių tautybės žmonės? tai ne Dovydo žvaigždė, o Dovydo skydas.

  • Ev

    Sutinku su Ona, tikrai labai skaudi situacija

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    Didžiulis skausmas, žodžių nėra žiaurumui išreikšti