VšĮ Alytaus turizmo informacijos centras

Monument (pillar) to the bookseller Kazimieras Stasiukynas

Sculptures and Monuments

How many booksellers there are in our country today, no one can answer for sure. According to the known information, there are 204 booksellers and distributors in Dzūkija. The most famous bookseller in the Alytus region is Kazimieras Stasiukynas. In honour of his memory, a monument (roof pillar) was built in Pešėkininkai.

Peršekininkai village, Miroslava sen., Alytus district.
(GPS: 54.370486, 23.760888 (WGS)).

Photo by G. Bernatavičius.



There is

Alytus district

