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The fountains of the first historical square of Alytus


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The fountains of the first historical square of Alytus are located on the right bank of the Nemunas in Alytus. The river divides the city into two parts: First Alytus (right bank of the river) and Second Alytus (left bank of the river). The city was built on the right bank of the Nemunas. The first city square was formed here, and the town hall was built there.
in 2009 archaeological excavations were carried out in the square, during which many interesting things were found, which are kept in the adjacent Museum of Archeology (Jiezno St. 2). After the archaeological excavations, the square was reconstructed. It was decorated not only with models of mounds poured from the earth, a children's playground but also colourful fountains that charmed everyone.

A. Juozapavičius St., Alytus
GPS: 54.402788, 24.064841 (WGS)

The author of the photos is V. Kuchalskis



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In Alytus city

