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Kayak rental. Kayaking in Nemunu

Water entertainment

We are enthusiasts of kayaking in Nemunas. We want to eliminate the stereotype that swimming is boring. This is completely untrue. Nemunas is always beautiful and interesting in every season. Here you will experience absolute peace, and the changing landscapes of Dzūkija will delight your eyes and mind. Calm, non-intense swims are a great choice for a quiet rest after stressful work - the nervous system and eyes will rest... This is a great opportunity to spend time with your friends, children, and parents. And if you have visited your hometown for a long time, your heart will be delighted by the views of the city houses, parks, roads and bridges emerging from every turn... Enjoy swimming in the slow and majestic current of the Nemunas... You can spend the evening in a resting area by the fire, or spend the night in tents or hammocks suspended above a flowing stream (a very interesting experience!). A hot tub and a sauna can be ordered.

Suggested routes:

1. Kaniūkai Bridge - Panemuninkėliai. The length of the track is about 11 km. Swimming time - about 2 hours.

2. Nemunaitis - Panemuninkėliai. The length of the track is about 28 km. Swimming time - about 4.5 hours.

3. Panemuninkėliai - Punia (Margarava). The length of the track is about 30 km. Swimming time - about 5 hours.

4. Merkinė- Nemunaitis. The length of the track is about 35 km. Swimming time - about 6 hours.

5. Merkinė- Panemuninkėliai The length of the track is about 63 km. Swimming time - about 11 hours.



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    Rima Ka

    Patiko! Nuostabu pamatyti pėščiomis lankytas vietas nuo vandens – piliakalnius, tiltus, klebono akmenį... Puikus vasaros plaukimas, kurį pagaliau įgyvendinome – praplaukėme po Alytaus tiltais. Gražūs vaizdai: rytinis rūkas, atodangos, miškai, skardžiai, kalvos kalvelės. Manau, įdomus ir būtinas maršrutas kiekvienam alytiškiui!